Saturday , 27 July 2024
Breaking News

An interview with SYN


Post LAW & ORDER Interview

Featured Star:  SYN



“Ladies and Gents, it’s Alex Shirley and today I’m bringing to you the man behind the Cryptic messages to Andreas Sanchez, The man who beat Sanchez at LAW & ORDER, Syn. So Syn, I have to ask, what made you feel you were the one to make Sanchez ‘atone’?”



“Well, when people are ashamed of themselves they hide. They hide their face because they don’t want others to judge them. This comes to Sanchez… I judged him at LAW & ORDER, revealing he is just like everyone else.”



“What is the overall message you are trying to send to all the people?”



“Message? You must mean messages? The big black book has many stories. So does my word. Soon everyone will understand.”



“Soon everyone will understand what exactly?”



“We all have a dark past. Take Sanchez for an example. He abandoned his own family to pursue a career in wrestling? Can you believe he lives with that on his chest? Everyone has a story, I’m just waiting for the right time to tell it.”



“So why the Juniorvative Champion, Allen Dalton? He was just trying to help a friend?”



“When a person steps in the way off an assassin that’s on a mission, that person will eventually be eliminated. That goes to anyone that think they can ‘save’ Sanchez. They’ll fall and burn before they do. ‘I’ am the only one that can save Sanchez.”



“Those are strong words. Any message for Allen Dalton and all his fans?”



“Allen Dalton… the ‘face’ of the VCA. You have all these hypocrites in the palm of your hand. You carry yourself in your own self pride and those ‘people’ adore you? Allen, it’s best to stick to yourself and pray. Pray for Sanchez and pray for all these people that you, yourself, have poisoned. In the end, we all perish.”



“Well you heard it folks. Seems Allen Dalton is going to have to watch out because he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Be sure to check out Velocity Championship Action every Friday night live in Memphis, Tennessee as we are on the road to VERDICT!”

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