There have been so many great champions in the studio of 3035 Directors Row including Allen Dalton, Brooks, Xander Raines, Malik, Cymba, Big Tiny, Andres Sanchez, Anthony Payne, and more, but there has never been a VCA heavyweight champion. The VCA championship wasn’t really vacated because it never was acquired by anyone. Many wonder when will the title go up for grabs and there still hasn’t been an official announcement about the championship. We all know that championship titles cause people to do horrific things, some might turn on their own mothers if opportunity presented itself. While the title continues collecting dust and showing no signs of presenting itself, the VCA tag team titles seem to show more of an effort of becoming relevant. Two teams that formed this year of 2015 is the team of Big Country and Malik/Allen Dalton. Other alliances we’ve seen consists of Brooks/Sanchez and Jake/Crazy Jack. With so many teams and alliances forming as of late, one can clearly see why the tag titles could possibly see the light of day before the heavyweight title. Although all these teams are great in their own way, the team of Big Country still remain the front runners for the tag title. With Terra Rae managing the two there’s no telling what the team could accomplish. One title that made it’s appearance before any, the Juniorvative championship, remains in full effect and continues to be the drive of the cruiserweights. The Juniorvative title is currently held by Brooks, but many others are becoming disgruntled with the desire to obtain gold of their own. With all that being said, we’ll just have to wait to see what the future holds for the VCA heavyweight and tag team titles.
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