Saturday , 27 July 2024
Breaking News

Chris Evans versus Jake II


Terra Rae just informed us here at the VCA office that newcomer Chris Evans will go one on one with hardcore enthusiast Jake Friday, November 6th at the anniversary show.

Rae said she booked this match after seeing how Jake and Evans still got some unresolved issues after viewing the ending of their match this past Friday. Terra claims once Evans is done with Jake she might decide to give him a shot at the Juniorvative championship.

We spoke to Jake on the matter and Jake said he can’t wait to get his hands on Da Kyd due to Da Kyd’s lack of respect for himself and others that came before Da Kyd. Jake insured us that if we thought he did something this past Friday we haven’t seen nothing yet compared to what he has in store for Evans at the anniversary show Friday, November 6th. We tried reaching out to Evans, but got no word yet.

To stay updated on the latest news, make sure to continue check our site and join us this Friday for our special Halloween show at 8pm. Adults pay only $10 & kids $7. There will be candy and great action!

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