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September 4th results and more!


If you missed last night’s event you missed out on a ton of action and lots of surprises! One shocker was the changing of the guard when Brooks defeated Allen Dalton in a fifteen minute Ironman Submission match to become the Juniorvative champion.

Before the bell sounded, Brooks took advantage of the referee showing the championship by taking the title and knocking Dalton out cold. Fans couldn’t believe Brooks would commit such an act, but Brooks didn’t care what they thought. Brooks ordered the referee to ring the bell and applied the Sharpshooter minutes later. Dalton was out! Brooks had secured a win without breaking a sweat.

Somehow Dalton stayed in the fight and was able to regain consciousness. Dalton comprehended Brooks would do anything necessary in taking the championship so Dalton knew he had to be ready. Dalton was able to battle back and pick up a win for himself giving “the Daltons (Allens superfans)” hope.

Brooks took the loss like a boss and soon turned a negative into a positive by making Dalton tap once more leading with two wins to Dalton’s one. Brooks at this point knew he had the match won, but Brooks was wrong!

Dalton showed why he’s been champion for over five months by making Brooks tap a second time bringing the match to a tie. At this point any man could’ve taken it because time was slowly approaching.

Brooks knew the end was near and couldn’t live with the match resulting in a draw so he did what he do best and that’s cheat. Brooks utilized a chain and cold clocked Dalton laying the champion out again! The first time with the championship and now with a chain. Fans yelled for Dalton to get up, but Dalton wasn’t responsive. Brooks, hearing there were only seconds remaining, locked the sharpshooter making Dalton tap for the final time.

We’re told Dalton has asked and will receive his rematch this Friday night. The only thing, Terra Rae has placed Anthony Payne in the match too making it a Triple Threat match for the Juniorvative championship.

The next match featured Big Tiny, Malik, and Anthony Payne. This one started out slow with Payne and Malik trying to amount some offense against the over three hundred pound monster. The two failed miserably and was quickly ejected from the ring.

Malik scored with a diving Poncho on Tiny and Payne, but only took Payne out. Tiny would clip Malik on the ring apron and continue to pound Payne on the floor almost slapping the skin off Payne.

Payne was lucky break free from Tiny and reenter the ring and finally take Tiny down after delivering a nice overdrive, but that wouldn’t he enough to finish the big man off as he once more kicked out.

Seeing Tiny down, Malik tried delivering a Brain buster to Payne, but Payne countered with an Ice Breaker. Payne seemed to have it won, but soon was derailed by Tiny’s Clothesline from Hell. There was no coming back from that and Tiny was awarded the match.

The VCA heavyweight championship was up for grabs next between the reigning champion, Kaptain Justice, and newcomer Nick Lowe.

Lowe, who had an impressive appearance standing 6’4 and weighing 305 pounds, took it to the champ. Lowe would pound and ground the champion the majority of the match, but Justice wouldn’t stay down.

Lowe began to wonder what must he do in order to put the champion down. Lowe had nailed Justice with numerous Lariats and stiff forearm shots, but still couldn’t put Justice away.

The VCA fans feared the worse when Lowe scooped Justice up and scored with an impressive side slam. No one had ever seen Justice get manhandled in that way. Lowe himself knew Justice was done, but somehow Justice kicked out once more.

A frustrated Lowe couldn’t believe it, but Lowe felt one more side slam like the one he just nailed would be enough to finish off the champion. Lowe attempted the move again, but this time Justice countered and scored with a Big Boot. Justice followed it up with a flying forearm that finally put the big man down. As if that wasn’t enough, Justice bodyslammed the giant. Fans erupted! Justice knew there was one more step and that was the Falls from Justice. Justice perfectly executed the move and was about to win, but Xander Raines attacked.

The referee disqualified Lowe allowing Justice to pick up the win. Lowe and Raines took turns stomping the champion making sure he wouldn’t make it to his feet.

The semi main event featured Syn and a returning Mike Cobb. This would be the match of the evening as these two stars showcased moves fans had never seen.

The two tried showing one another up with some of the best high-flying moves around including best moon-saults ever and a five star frog splash. Not to mention they stole one another’s finisher trying to add the ultimate insult to one another.

In the end it was all Syn would defeated Cobb after scoring with a modified GTS. After the match Syn reminded everyone he’s the best in the area and proved it by beating Cobb.

The main event was the win or be fired match for Chris Evans set up by Terra Rae. Evans was a nervous reck going into this one fearing the Grenada Beast was a little too much for him to handle.

Xander Raines entered the studio and everyone could tell he meant business! Raines pretty much beat Evans from one side of the ring to the next, but Da Kyd still wouldn’t give up. There were times during the match where Raines shook his head at Evans not understanding why Da Kyd wouldn’t just stay down.

Everytime Evans would stick out his chest to the Mississippi native, Raines was knock the hell out Evans. Raines beat Evans so badly that fans yelled to the referee it was too much. Fans couldn’t stand watching the graphic scene any longer.

Evans soon caught a break after Raines tried crushing Evans with the Roller. Evans was able to move out of harms way causing Raines to collide with the turnbuckles. Seeing that Raines had not yet collected himself, Evans went to the top ropes and delivered a Missile Dropkick taking the Grenada Beast down. At that point, Evans could taste victory, but Evans knew it wouldn’t beach easy.

Evans tried applying the Chris Cross submission, but Raines was too strong and launched the Da Kyd out the ring and onto the floor. Raines regained some of his strength and then followed Evans on the outside. Just as Raines was beating Evans on the floor, Kaptain Justice appeared.

Justice entered to motivate his friend and to tell Evans he could do it, but Raines wasn’t too happy about seeing Justice’s face. While Raines was heading towards Justice, Evans reentered the ring escaping being counted out. It would seem that Raines was about to be counted out and that Evans would keep his job, but that wasn’t the case.

As Raines began approaching Justice, Justice nailed Raines. Justice couldn’t contain himself watching his friend Evans get beat in that manner. Plus, Justice remained upset about Raines attacking him earlier during his match. The referee signaled for the bell and said Evans had been disqualified. Justice got his friend fired!

After the match Terra Rae informed Evans he was fired and to get the hell out of her building. Fans couldn’t believe and was outraged!

Join us this Friday at 8pm. 3035 Directors Row inside the Directors Plaza II Suite E Memphis, Tn. Tickets for adults $10 & kids $5.

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