Saturday , 27 July 2024
Breaking News

Terra Rae signs a fan!









The night started off with Terra Rae calling out every single performer in the back. Rae wanted to get a few things understood that were and weren’t going to take place now that she’s back in power. The biggest shocker of the announcement is when Terra called out a fan by the name of Chris Evans. Terra informed everyone that she’s been watching Andres Sanchez’s matches over the last couple of weeks and noticed he’s been on a losing streak due to Evans constant mouthing out to the former Juniorvative champion. After further investigation, Rae found out that her rival, Allen Dalton, had been training Evans to become a wrestler. With that being said, Rae offered Evans a lucrative contract. Evans was so eager to sign that he signed without reading. Terra was thrilled by this, but not by the signing, but by now having power over Allen’s student. Making matters worse, Rae informed everyone that Evans would be competing against Sanchez that night. Evans and Sanchez had a remarkable match and it would seem as if Evans would put Sanchez away, but due to a rookie mistake Sanchez was able to capitalize and get the victory over the newcomer. Evans may have loss, but this is just the beginning for this young new athlete.

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  1. Just as long as he keeps his nose put of Big Country business because the moment he tries to help his Friend, he going to wish he stayed a fan. #monstersarereal

  2. Just as long as he keeps his nose out of Big Country business because the moment he tries to help his Friend, he going to wish he stayed a fan. #monstersarereal

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